How Son-rise has helped us

I learnt to believe in myself and my child. To trust her capability to grow and learn, with me as an enthusiastic supporter and playmate, not as a taskmaster or director. Our interactions are joyful and fun. We celebrate every little thing. My attitude has totally changed, and I no longer seek to fix my child, but to love and accept her wholly for who and how she is, autism and all. And yet at the same time full of hope for her development, with practical goalposts on getting there. We want everything and need nothing, as the famous Son-rise saying goes.

Thanks to you we fundraised more than SGD3,000!

Or specifically SGD3,395 šŸ˜€ I realized we have been updating our Facebook page to the neglect of our blog. We did our shout outs, thanks and updates atĀ Little Star’s Facebook Page. It’s still so hard to believe, but so true that we made it, Ā thanks to all of you who supported our very unofficial fundraising…